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Should You Consider a Heavy Roofing Material?


Choosing the right form of roofing for your home is essential. What is important to assess is the location of where you are considering moving or where you are already living. If you are located in the Toledo OH area, then it is wise to contemplate whether having a heavy roof material is necessary and effective for the structure of the home that you are living in. Consider these questions to ask yourself when you are trying to ascertain whether a heavier roof material is the correct choice for your home:

1. How sturdy is my roofing frame?

Depending on the type of frame that you are going to invest in, it will also dictate the type of roof that you are going to select for your home. This is precisely why it is best to know which frame you will be installing or already have before choosing your roof style. Some examples of roofing options that are heavier are: any form of tile roof or slate.

2. What is the climate where I am living?

If you are located in Toledo OH, you have four seasons. What this means is that there will be times of the year when you have snow. This is important to factor into which type of roof material that you decide to utilize. Thus, when considering these calculations, it is important to assess how much weight the frame of your home can support plus the weight of the style of roof materials that you choose to utilize. Within this calculation, also allow some room for leaves and snow that can pile on top. Additionally, allow for the potential for the weight of dampness from rainwater and snow melting to be in the equation as well. This way, you will not have to make any substantial repairs from the roof collapsing.

3. Is the design worth the extra weight?

When designing your home, your roof is important in the aesthetic features in that it is what people see when they first come to your home. For instance, if you would like a more Tuscan flair, you need to make sure your roof matches that theme. However, it is important to explore all Tuscan options to see if you can find a roof style that meets your weight requirements. If the heavier option does, then enjoy. If it does not, then be sure to make your modifications now so that you are not paying for a substantial repair down the road.


Having a roof style that is heavy absolutely is possible. The key is being sure that you calculate the weight carefully with your contractor. By doing this during the consultation appointment, you will allow yourself to not be faced with any unfortunate consequences later that transpire in the middle of winter in the wake of a storm when repairs can be substantially more difficult. Thus, it is recommended to contact the local roof professional today in order to get started selecting the roof material that meets the needs of your upcoming project.

Categories: Roofing